Gender Equity Plan

The purpose of Unity Insights’ Gender Equity Plan (GEP) is to sustainably transform and maintain organisational processes, cultures and structures to combat and reduce gender imbalances and inequalities within the workplace and anywhere we are able to make an impact. The GEP provides a systematic and strategic instrument that establishes priorities and concrete objectives.

Monitoring the GEP

This Gender Equity Plan will be monitored through data and employee culture on an annual basis, and more regularly for some qualitative data such as staff surveys.

The data used will include:

  • The gender pay gap
  • Staff survey results
  • Staff turnover based on gender distribution
  • Recruitment based on gender distribution
  • Progression based on gender distribution

Whilst most monitoring will be carried out on an annual basis, it may be necessary to carry out ad hoc monitoring to ensure alignment with the GEP. For example, if a complaint or grievance was to be received where it is directly or indirectly related to gender.


Keeping employees aligned with the GEP

Our plans to address and maintain gender equity are integrated across our organisations people policies. Our employees are consulted on any new policies and have constant access to these. This includes a Transgender Policy that provides guidance on how to support an employee who is transitioning, as well as a Maternity Policy that includes a Maternity Returnship Programme which provides a plan to support returning mothers into progressing in their role and their confidence.

Unity Insights also require all employees to complete mandatory online training including Equality, Diversity and Human Rights training. This training is required on commencement of employment and every three years thereafter.


Gender equity in recruitment and career progression

Unity Insights monitors gender equity in recruitment and progression through holistic monitoring, as well as through processes such as data reviews, including gender pay gap reviews.

As part of the GEP, Unity Insights would like to build a way of monitoring who applied for vacancies and were successful for interview alongside their gender, to identify any downfalls or areas for improvement. This is not currently available in our recruitment software but has been made as a suggestion to them to add in the future.


Measure against gender-based violence including sexual harassment

Unity Insights’ GEP include measures to address gender-based violence and operate on a zero-tolerance approach. This is reflected in the Disciplinary Policy where the process is set out that serious misconduct and gross misconduct (including sexual harassment) would constitute dismissal from employment.

We measure gender-based violence in the workplace by monitoring the level of complaints or disciplinary directly or indirectly linked to gender. There have not been any cases since Unity Insights was first founded. We also monitor this through the staff survey, and can confirm that 100% of employees reported no bullying or harassment (related to any protected characteristic) in the 2022 staff survey.


Current Composition of Unity Insights’ Employees and Gender Balance in Leadership and Decision-Making

In the below graphs you can see the balance of male and female across every level and role within the organisation as of 1st May 2023. For most roles, we have a slightly male dominated team with the exception of our lowest level role, Analysts. Whilst we are satisfied that we have a good balance of gender in each level of role, there is work to be done in balancing this further.



Gender balance in leadership

As can be seen from the statistics above, women are relatively well represented in all roles within the organisation, including leadership roles and a gender-balanced board. This is also represented in our recent gender pay gap review. Due to the size of the organisation we are not required to monitor the gender pay gap, but we consider it important to do regardless of number of employees. Unity Insights non-CEO gender pay gap is -0.2% (2022) and we continue to work to keep this balanced and equitable.

We recognise there is work to be done with our gender balance and this is a part of our Gender Equity Plan.


Commitment of resources

Unity Insights employs a qualified HR and OD Advisor who is responsible for monitoring, advocating, and implementing policies and processes that support equity across the workplace, including gender equity.

Unity Insights plans to appoint an existing member of staff as an Equality and Diversity Officer to help support the Gender Equity Plan. The responsibilities of this role are still to be agreed, and this will be developed and appointed to in the future.


Work-life balance / organisational culture

The importance of work-life balance is reflected in our culture and ways of working. It is also an important consideration with respect to home office arrangements regulated in the Health and Safety Policy. Unity Insights aim to improve the productivity of employees and support their overall wellbeing and stress management by facilitating a better work-life balance. Unity Insights are also continuously supporting the expansion of flexible, family-friendly working arrangement. The organisation is remote-first, with the option to go into the office as and when. Employees are given full choice and flexibility, and are encouraged to work hours that suit them, providing core hours, meetings and tasks are met.

Our workplace culture is an inclusive one, and we will maintain it as such, with 100% of employees feeling as though Unity Insights is an inclusive place to work, and 100% of staff reporting that Unity Insights values diversity. We continue to strive to build a culture of equity and diversity, with this being built into the HR Strategy.

As part of the GEP we also plan to continue to build our external culture and have a larger impact to those outside of the organisation, through the external communications and relationships we have. This represents itself in sharing public social media posts on behalf of the organisation for all important topics, including those relating to gender and gender equity.



This Gender Equity Plan is published on the Unity Insights’ website and is shared with all employees and new employees. We will continue to build external and internal communications into the Unity Insights Gender Equality Plan.


Measures to be implemented

Measure When Who is responsible
Appoint an Equality and Diversity Officer December 2023 Chief Services Officer
Find ways to monitor recruitment data alongside gender August 2023 HR and OD Advisor
Level out gender balance across higher earning roles December 2023 Executive Team