Understanding procurement in the NHS: Embassy of Denmark

19th September 2021

Over several years, KSS AHSN have worked with the Embassy of Denmark to share knowledge and identify opportunities for innovation. As a result of this continued engagement, the Embassy of Denmark requested the Unity Insights team to create a comprehensive report to understand the different procurement routes of the NHS in England and the UK.

The team provided an informative insight into what actions innovators should take, based on the innovation type, intended scale of production, and target procurer. One example demonstrating the shift in emphasis piloted by NHS Supply Chain was value-based procurement. This approach to procurement adopts a more holistic approach, rather than a cost saving focus.

The report also highlights the challenges that innovators are likely to face when seeking contracts in the NHS, and what systems have been put in place to encourage and promote innovation. Innovators are directed towards seeking assistance from key enablers, such as NICE and AHSNs, to receive expertise and guidance.

Having originated within KSS AHSN, Unity Insights are well placed to offer further advisory support to the Embassy of Denmark.

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