Our insights

We love showcasing some of our previous work and current dashboards. If you want to learn more, or can't find what you're looking for, please get in touch.


  • Cancer
  • Capacity
  • Dermatology
  • Digital
  • Efficiency
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Healthcare
  • Inequalities
  • Maternity
  • Mental health
  • Patient centred care
  • Primary care
  • Secondary care
  • Social care
  • Advisory
  • Analytics
  • Commercialisation
  • Dashboards
  • Evaluation
  • Health economics
  • Ongoing project
  • Quality improvement
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Health Economic Modelling – Proton Therapy

A health economic modelling evaluation into the potential cost savings of using Leo Cancer Care proton therapy machines

Carbon Savings

Carbon costing and economic modelling evaluation on the environmental impact of single-use vs reusable medical apparatus

Enhanced Supportive Care

Health economic analysis into the potential benefits of an Enhanced Supportive Care programme


Combining advisory, commercialisation, and evaluation services to support the Interreg FCE programme, ADAPT.


Supporting the Interreg 2 Seas programme, MO.T.I.O.N., through advisory, commercialisation, and evaluation.

Action learning sets evaluation

Qualitative evaluation into the use of action learning sets in newly established primary care networks.

Dr Julian

Health economic analysis of an innovative platform that aims to increase accessibility of mental healthcare.


Evaluation of Pando, a clinical communications platform for NHS workers.

Mouth Care Matters

Health economic modelling of the Mouth Care Matters programme, a training initiative for improving oral health.